How Do I Download my Book?

BookFunnel is our ebook and audiobook delivery platform. If you are new to BookFunnel, your first download might feel a little tricky. I promise, once you get that first download under your belt, the rest will be easy-peasy-pie.

Here's a step-by-step of how it works:

1. Almost immediately after completing your order, you will receive an email from BookFunnel that says "Hey there, your book has arrived." Open the email.

2. Click on the link provided in the email. This will take you to the book's download page. It will look something like this ...

3. Click "Get My Book."

4. A pop-up box will appear with a variety of selections, like so ...

5. Select the type of device you will use.

THE SIMPLEST OPTION: the easiest way to enjoy a book from BookFunnel is through the BookFunnel app, which can be downloaded to any phone or tablet.

The BookFunnel app doesn't download easily to Kindle so I don't recommend trying.

If you're using BookFunnel to read, simply click on the "I need the BookFunnel download code" at the bottom of the pop-up box shown above. You will receive a code that will look like this ...

Copy and paste this code directly into your BookFunnel app, hit submit and start reading! 


For this to work, you must have the Kindle app and the BookFunnel app downloaded on your phone.

If you don't want to download either of these apps, skip this section and scroll down to the next section of RED LETTERS to get your book on Kindle.

After you plug in the code on your BookFunnel app, you will see something like this ...


You will see several options to share the book. Email. Notes. Etc. Swipe left until you see the Kindle App, like so ...

Select Kindle.

A black screen will appear. For some weird reason, you have to enter the author's name: K.E. Ganshert.

Make sure you have selected "Save in Kindle Library". Then hit send.

With your book saved in your Kindle Library, you will be able to read it on any of your Kindle Devices. If you don't see the book on your Kindle device, try syncing your device.

**If you have a Kindle Fire, your book will be in DOCS, not BOOKS. You can find DOCS by swiping left on the menu bar from your Home Screen.**

Don't want those apps on your phone? No problem. Let's jump back to this pop-up box ...

If you are a Kindle reader, click on "Kindle Tablet or E-Reader" and you will see this ...

If you know how to email books/documents to your Kindle, I recommend skipping straight to the "Email My Book" button at the bottom. BookFunnel will send you an email with the book attached. You will forward that email to your Kindle email address and the book will load on your Kindle.

If you don't know how to email books/documents to your Kindle, select the kind of Kindle you own.

If you own a Kindle Fire, this page will appear ...

Dismiss the "Get the BookFunnel App" It doesn't work well. Focus on the first option: "Use Send to Kindle"

If you don't know how to email books to your Kindle, click the blue link that says "Learn how to set up Send to Kindle." Follow the steps provided, which are very straightforward and easy to follow. Please note, this is a one-time setup. Once you have this completed, you won't have to set it up again and getting books on your Kindle from BookFunnel will be a cinch.

Once you have your Kindle email set up correctly, click the orange "Use Send to Email".

Follow the prompts.

BookFunnel will email you the book. You will forward this email to your Kindle email address. The book will load on your Kindle for you to enjoy!

Remember, your book will be in DOCS (not BOOKS)

If you own a Kindle Touch Screen E-Reader, like a Paperwhite, this screen will appear ...

You can choose "Use Send to Kindle" - a super easy option if you know your Kindle email and have sent books/documents to your Kindle in the past.

Or, you can choose "Use Kindle Browser"

To find the web browser on your Kindle, navigate to the Home Screen. Tap the menu (three dots in upper right). Click on "web browser" OR "experimental browser" from the drop-down list. Type in the code provided, follow the prompts, and enjoy your book!

WHEW! I know that seems like a lot. But I promise, once you get the first one figured out, it really is smooth sailing.

**If your eyes are crossing or you run into any trouble at all during the download process, please click on the NEED HELP link in the upper right-hand corner of the book's download page. Or send an email to BookFunnel's customer service is top notch. An actual human will reply promptly and assist you with getting your book on your e-reader quickly so you can enjoy!