Why is this store inactive?

Unfortunately, the overhead cost of running a store was too steep. I really love the simple layout of this site, however, so I opted to make the store inactive as opposed to completely deleting it. This allows readers to peruse my books, as well as read endorsements, summaries, and sample chapters. 

Where can I purchase your books?

All K.E. Ganshert books can be purchased on Amazon. Just follow the link on the announcement bar at the top of this page. Each one is available in ebook, paperback, and audio. They are also available on Kindle Unlimited.

What is the reading order?

Check out this page for the reading order and links to teasers, where you can sample several books at no cost.

What is the appropriate reading age for these books?

If books received ratings like movies, these would be rated PG or PG-13. Any profanity you might find would be considered mild. K.E. Ganshert books do not contain sex. However, there is romance, along with the accompanying emotions and feelings that come with it. For younger readers (under the age of 13), I recommend a parent/guardian read first and use best judgment.  

Do you have full summaries so I can refresh my memory before reading the next book in the series?

Yes, actually! Eden 3 & 4 took much longer to release than anticipated, so I decided to write a full synopsis of Eden 1 and 2 so readers wouldn't have to go back and reread the books. You can find those summaries (warning: they contain spoilers) by clicking on the links below:

The Fabrication of Eden Pruitt (book 1)

The Aberration of Eden Pruitt (book 2)

What if I have a question that isn't listed here?

Please email me at katie@katieganshert.com. If I don't reply within a week, please assume your email was lost in the ether (or my rather unorganized inbox) and re-send!